
Working Papers

A Unified Approach to Second and Third Degree Price Discrimination, with Dirk Bergemann and Michael Wang,  January 2024, (as extended abstract in ACM EC Conference Proceedings 2024)

Bidder Optimal Information Structures in Auctions, withDirk Bergemann and Stephen Morris, December 2023

Cost Based Nonlinear Pricing, with Dirk Bergemann and Stephen Morris, 2023, (as extended abstract in ACM EC Conference Proceedings 2023)

Optimal Performance-Based Reviews, with Sumeyra Akin, 2023,

Screening with Persuasion, with Dirk Bergemann and Stephen Morris, 2023

Informationally Robust Comparative Statics in Incomplete Information Games, 2019

 Information and Interaction, with Dirk Bergemann and Stephen Morris, 2017.


Information and Volatility, with Dirk Bergemann and Stephen Morris, Journal of Economic Theory, 2015

An Ascending Auction with Multidimensional Signals, (Online Appendix), Journal of Economic Theory,  2019

Information Design and Sequential Screening with Ex-Post Participation Constraint, (Online Appendix), Theoretical Economics, 2020

On the Cardinality of the Message Space in Sender Receiver Games, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2020

Efficiency in a Trading Markets with Multi-Dimensional Signals, Journal of Economic Theory, 2021

Information, Market Power, and Price Volatility, with Dirk Bergemann and Stephen Morris, RAND journal of economics, 2021 

Optimal Information Disclosure in Auctions, with Dirk Bergemann, Stephen Morris, Constantine Sorokin, Eyal Winter, American Economic Review: Insights, 2022